How to Treat Varicose Veins With Herbs
Varicose veins are not only ugly, but can be dangerous. They can lead to stroke, heart problems or blood clots. Many herbs have been found helpful in the treatment of varicose veins. Follow these steps to treat varicose veins with herbs.
Use Horse Chestnut, available in a tincture, and apply it externally. Experiments have supported its use and it has been cited as the most effective herbal treatment for varicose veins.
Try Butcher's Broom to strengthen veins and improve blood flow. It can be used internally or externally and also reduces foot swelling.
Eat Violet flowers or pansies. They contain rutin which strengthens capillary walls. They are safe when eaten up to 100 at a time and look great in salads. If you don't want to eat violets or pansies, try buckwheat pancakes which are also high in rutin.
Apply witch hazel externally in water or alcohol extracts. It has a tingly astringent effect and is also good to treat for bruises.
Check out calendula as a tea or in a sitz bath for anti-inflammatory effects. A tincture of calendula can also be used in a compress to apply externally.
Tips & Warnings
Many other useful herbs are useful to treat varicose veins-try out others to see what works best for you.
Horse Chestnut is poisonous in large doses.
Don't take any herbs without reading the manufacturer's directions and warnings.
Don't take any of the above herbs if you have harvested them yourself, except for the violets and pansies. The other herbs can be dangerous, and you cannot determine their potency if you harvest them yourself.
Varicose veins are not only ugly, but can be dangerous. They can lead to stroke, heart problems or blood clots. Many herbs have been found helpful in the treatment of varicose veins. Follow these steps to treat varicose veins with herbs.
Use Horse Chestnut, available in a tincture, and apply it externally. Experiments have supported its use and it has been cited as the most effective herbal treatment for varicose veins.
Try Butcher's Broom to strengthen veins and improve blood flow. It can be used internally or externally and also reduces foot swelling.
Eat Violet flowers or pansies. They contain rutin which strengthens capillary walls. They are safe when eaten up to 100 at a time and look great in salads. If you don't want to eat violets or pansies, try buckwheat pancakes which are also high in rutin.
Apply witch hazel externally in water or alcohol extracts. It has a tingly astringent effect and is also good to treat for bruises.
Check out calendula as a tea or in a sitz bath for anti-inflammatory effects. A tincture of calendula can also be used in a compress to apply externally.
Tips & Warnings
Many other useful herbs are useful to treat varicose veins-try out others to see what works best for you.
Horse Chestnut is poisonous in large doses.
Don't take any herbs without reading the manufacturer's directions and warnings.
Don't take any of the above herbs if you have harvested them yourself, except for the violets and pansies. The other herbs can be dangerous, and you cannot determine their potency if you harvest them yourself.