How to Understand Spiritual Truths

How to Understand Spiritual Truths

Ah, the great question of "What are spiritual truths?" Questions like this one take much thought and meditation to get an answer. Fortunately signposts and writings from throughout the centuries are available to guide you through the questioning process.


Begin living a more healthy life. This will help you be more sensitive to what is true. Cut back on TV and junk food, and drink lots of water from a natural spring that is rated well for purity.


Exercise. Be positive. Read good books. Keep good company. These are foundational steps that will prepare you to recognize the answer to the spiritual questions you are asking.


Pick up a few books about spiritual health. Look up things that interest or inspire you about constructive and positive ways of thinking, as being spiritual means being sensitive to the spirit or "inner being." It also means exhibiting reverence and a certain sense of sacredness.


Read and study to gain a broader view of all the different ideas about the great truths.Think about the Ten Commandments, the Noble Truths, and the Golden Rule. Look up the great spiritual tomes. Read stories and parables from the Dhammapada (Buddhism), the Bible (Christianity), and the Bhagavad Gita (Hinduism). Be mindful of who and what you really admire in people past and present. Is it the kindness of the Dalai Lama, the selflessness of Mother Teresa, or the wisdom of great leaders like Abraham Lincoln?


Know that there are as many answers to this question as there are people asking it. Be level headed and practical. Try on a few different "philosophies" to see how they fit or if you like them.


Be well-read, knowledgeable and sensitive. Listen to your conscience and develop a capacity to show kindness. These things will only help you understand the deep and meritorious truths of life. To see and recognize an attribute, whatever it may be, you need to have something of it inside of yourself. Your understanding may go through many levels and stages in your life, so the sooner you start, the greater the opportunity for deeper understanding.