How to get the most out of a Theraputic Massage

How to get the most out of a Theraputic Massage

Keep the good feeling lasting after a theraputic massage.

Things You'll Need:

epson salt

apple cider vinegar


After receiving a therapeutic massage you may be left feeling tired and renewed. But did you know that the day following a massage you may feel the effects as flu like symptoms? To avoid that follow these easy steps the night that you receive a massage.


Prepare a bath with the warmest water you can tolerate and enjoy. Pour in one cup of Epson Salts and one cup of Apple Cider Vinegar into your bath water.


Sit and soak your muscles in the bath as described above. The epson salts will pull the inflamation out of your joints and muscles, and the apple cider vinegar will pull the toxins that were released during your massage out of your muscles. This is essential if you do not want to feel tired and achy the day following a massage.