How to Get Started on Holistic Health

How to Get Started on Holistic Health

Holism has become a popular buzz word in healthcare today. It refers to mind/body/spirit medicine, as opposed to overcoming physical challenges alone. As holistic health enters the common vernacular, people are gaining interest in mental, emotional, and spiritual health in addition to being physically healthy. Those who are yearning for information may wonder, "Where do I begin?"

Things You'll Need:

Willingness to heal your life


Ability to live consciously

Journal/pen and paper


Release the Past. In order to create a path for healing, the past must be released. This includes any old pains, negative thought patterns, ego-related issues, and anything else that no longer serves your higher purpose. Forgiving others as well as yourself empowers you and releases the victim consciousness that can make you feel trapped. When you realize that you and only you are responsible for your life, energy begins to shift, and you will attract what you need to heal your mind, body, heart, and soul.


Life Review. With a clean slate and willingness to change, the next step is to inventory your life and decide what areas are out of balance. Major life areas include personal development, finances, relationships with loved ones, and career. Ultimately, each aspect should be reviewed, but the one that creates the most stress should be addressed initially. Make a list of things you can improve on regarding that area and prepare to make the necessary changes.


Evolve. Change is one thing, but in order to evolve you have to make changes that will improve your overall health, mental attitude, emotional state, and spiritual journey. Become a student of holistic living and learn to gain insight about who you are and what helps you function as a stable, healthy individual. One passage in a book may be all it takes to shift your perspective and realize, "I've got to change." You will come to the conclusion that what you thought, felt, or did in the past is no longer an option. You now wish to make good, healthy choices and regain balance in your life.

Tips & Warnings

Be patient with yourself.

Take small steps each day toward your dreams.

Love and honor yourself.

Love and honor everyone in your life.

Be grateful for all.