How to get the most out of a Theraputic Massage

How to get the most out of a Theraputic Massage

Keep the good feeling lasting after a theraputic massage.

Things You'll Need:

epson salt

apple cider vinegar


After receiving a therapeutic massage you may be left feeling tired and renewed. But did you know that the day following a massage you may feel the effects as flu like symptoms? To avoid that follow these easy steps the night that you receive a massage.


Prepare a bath with the warmest water you can tolerate and enjoy. Pour in one cup of Epson Salts and one cup of Apple Cider Vinegar into your bath water.


Sit and soak your muscles in the bath as described above. The epson salts will pull the inflamation out of your joints and muscles, and the apple cider vinegar will pull the toxins that were released during your massage out of your muscles. This is essential if you do not want to feel tired and achy the day following a massage.

How to Get the Maximum Benefit From A Massage

How to Get the Maximum Benefit From A Massage

Massage therapy is on the rise. Schools are now offering classes and degrees for this therapy. The benefits are endless ranging anywhere from eliminating toxins, improving circulation to toning muscles. Read on to learn how to get the maximum benefit from a massage.


Once you have made your appointment and are at the therapist's office, allow yourself to start relaxing. As you disrobe, let the cares and worries of your day fall away.


Allow the massage therapist to do their job. Relax and allow them to move your body. Don't offer resistance or assistance unless asked to because this is your chance to relax. Remember that it's OK to sleep.


When the massage therapist is finished, they will give you sometime to regroup. When you feel collected and ready to get up, move slowly. Don't rush. Take some deep breaths. This will help the detoxification process.


Drink lots of water following the massage. This has a flushing effect on the body and aids in getting rid of any toxins.

Tips & Warnings

Don't eat for at least one hour prior to your appointment.

Make sure your massage therapist is qualified. Check her credentials.

Ask to see documentation if you have any questions.

How to Get Started on Holistic Health

How to Get Started on Holistic Health

Holism has become a popular buzz word in healthcare today. It refers to mind/body/spirit medicine, as opposed to overcoming physical challenges alone. As holistic health enters the common vernacular, people are gaining interest in mental, emotional, and spiritual health in addition to being physically healthy. Those who are yearning for information may wonder, "Where do I begin?"

Things You'll Need:

Willingness to heal your life


Ability to live consciously

Journal/pen and paper


Release the Past. In order to create a path for healing, the past must be released. This includes any old pains, negative thought patterns, ego-related issues, and anything else that no longer serves your higher purpose. Forgiving others as well as yourself empowers you and releases the victim consciousness that can make you feel trapped. When you realize that you and only you are responsible for your life, energy begins to shift, and you will attract what you need to heal your mind, body, heart, and soul.


Life Review. With a clean slate and willingness to change, the next step is to inventory your life and decide what areas are out of balance. Major life areas include personal development, finances, relationships with loved ones, and career. Ultimately, each aspect should be reviewed, but the one that creates the most stress should be addressed initially. Make a list of things you can improve on regarding that area and prepare to make the necessary changes.


Evolve. Change is one thing, but in order to evolve you have to make changes that will improve your overall health, mental attitude, emotional state, and spiritual journey. Become a student of holistic living and learn to gain insight about who you are and what helps you function as a stable, healthy individual. One passage in a book may be all it takes to shift your perspective and realize, "I've got to change." You will come to the conclusion that what you thought, felt, or did in the past is no longer an option. You now wish to make good, healthy choices and regain balance in your life.

Tips & Warnings

Be patient with yourself.

Take small steps each day toward your dreams.

Love and honor yourself.

Love and honor everyone in your life.

Be grateful for all.

How to get rid of warts - naturally

How to get rid of warts - naturally

fed up of burying meat at the bottom of the garden to rid yourself of this problem?


Hand warts are very common and are caused by a virus called The Human Papilloma virus (HPV). This virus is not just responsible for hand warts. It is the cause of all warts. Hand warts make up a few strains of the wart virus. There are over 80 different strains of the warts virus and therefore warts can be found anywhere on the body. HPV is contagious and can be passed from one person to another, without the carrier of the virus actually having any hand warts or any other type of warts. The virus can lay dormant in the body for months without any warts surfacing. This makes HPV one of the fastest spreading viruses known today.

Getting rid of warts can be a bit of a trial and error. Here are a few ideas.



Lime juice: Drink diluted lime juice for a week or two.

Potato skin: Rub potato skin over the wart for a few weeks. Eventually the wart will drop off.

Sticky tape: Any form of sticky tape will do including sellotape or plasters. The tape is bound around the wart to cut off the air supply. Keep changing the tape until the wart disappears.

Clear nail varnish: This is also to cut off the air supply. Someone I knew used super glue to do it but this could prove to be a bit difficult to get off. I stuck my fingers together the other week with the stuff and it took a day washing in soapy water to get them unstuck!

Apple cider vinegar: Take the little cotton bit off a cotton bud and roll it into a ball. Soak it in the apple cider vinegar, apply it to your wart and tape it on. The first two days you might notice that your wart gets really big, but don't worry- this happens to everyone because the vinegar is soaking in your wart. Normal white vinegar could be just as effective.

Raw garlic: Cut a section of garlic in half and rub it on the warts. After a couple of weeks they should disappear.


Witch hazel: Rub into the wart a couple of times a day until it disappears.

Banana skin: Rub in the same as above

Vitamin A and E: Increase these vitamins in your diet, this is said to help.

Dandelion's milk: The white liquid that comes from the stem is rubbed on the wart a few times.

Tea tree oil: Rub oil on wart two times a day within a week or so it will be gone. Use good quality 100% tea tree oil.

Echinacea. Health shops stock this plant extract. Use as per the instructions on the bottle. The plant is said to increase your immune system and comes highly recommended by those who try it.

Power of thought: People can cure their ailments with the power of positive thinking. This might be just as effective as any of the remedies I have just mentioned.

Tips & Warnings

Warning: Even though these ideas appear harmless be very careful, as there could be side affects.

Consult your doctor if you have and doubts.

Never use any products with bleach in them

How to Get Rid of Undereye Circles Naturally

How to Get Rid of Undereye Circles Naturally

Dark circles under the eyes are not what you want to see in the mirror every morning. To avoid this problem, you can try various natural home remedies. Under eye circles can be caused by dehydration, allergies, lack of sleep, thinning skin, or fluid retention. Some makeup brands offer a variety of products to help lighten or cover up the under eye circles. However, this only works to hide the circles. You want to actually get rid of them. There are several natural home remedies that can work wonders.

Things You'll Need:




Vitamin K Creme


Drink plenty of water throughout the day. An average sized person should drink eight 8-ounce glasses of water in an average day. If you workout, spend time in the heat or outdoors, or eat a lot of salty foods, you should drink more than the recommended 8 glasses. Water will keep you hydrated and ensure your skin doesn't suffer from dehydration.


Make sure you get plenty of rest each night. Lack of sleep can be a cause of under eye circles. Many doctors recommend a person get between 6 and 8 hours of sleep each night. This will help ensure you are well-rested and will reduce the chance of you waking up with dark circles under your eyes.


Soak tea bags in water. Put them in the refrigerator for 30 to 60 minutes. After the tea bags are chilled, lay down and place the tea bags on your eyes for 15 or 20 minutes. The combination of the caffeine in the tea and the chilled temperature from being in the refrigerator will help reduce puffiness in the under eye circles. Make sure you use a non-herbal tea on your eyes. It will provide better results than the herbal teas would.


Slice up cucumber and put the slices in the refrigerator for about a half hour. When the cucumber is cool, place a slice over each eye and lay down with the cucumber on your eyes for 15 minutes. The acids found in cucumbers help prevent water retention/ This is why they are good to decrease puffiness under the eye.


Apply a vitamin K cream to the skin under the eyes. Vitamin K helps reduce puffiness and dark circles under the eyes. Use a Vitamin K cream that also contains an SPF of 30 or more to prevent sun damage to the eye area. This will help prevent the breakdown of the under eye skin tissue, and this could lead to more under eye circles in the future.

Tips & Warnings

Drink plenty of water every day. This will ensure your body stays hydrated and isn't susceptible to dehydration.

Incorporate enough vitamin C into your daily diet. Vitamin C is known to help strengthen blood vessel walls. This will reduce the circles under your eyes.

Don't use herbal teabags for treating under eye circles. Herbal tea is not as effective in treating the circles as is regular, caffeinated tea.

Avoid eating foods with a lot of salt. Too much salt in your diet can lead to bloating of the skin, and this can also be a cause of dark circles under the eyes.

How to Get Rid of Toe Fungus

How to Get Rid of Toe Fungus

There are a variety of home remedies you can use to treat and cure your toe fungus. Most of these remedies involve common products that pose no danger to you and cost very little. You can treat your toe fungus at home and see fast, positive results.


Fill a container that your feet fit into with a mixture of equal parts apple cider vinegar and water. Soak your feet for a half hour each night. Wash your feet and the container after each soaking.


Slather your feet with a vapor rub, like the kind you use when you have a cold. Cover your feet with thick white socks and sleep like this. Shower in the morning. Not only will the toe fungus disappear, this method also softens that tough heel skin.


Soak your feet in mouthwash for 15 minutes each night. It doesn't matter what flavor you use. You will see results in a matter of days.


Mix a capful of bleach with a gallon of water and soak your feet for 10 minutes. Do this a minimum of three times a day, and thoroughly wash your feet with soapy water afterward to avoid irritated skin and damaging your carpet and clothing.


Add a 1 tsp. of baking soda to an 8 oz. glass of water. Drink this before bed each night. The baking soda helps neutralize the acid in your body. Your toe nail fungus will clear up after a few weeks. Some claim to experience other health benefits as well.

Tips & Warnings

Do not mix these home remedy methods. Use one method for a week or two, then evaluate the results and try another if necessary.

How to get rid of the hiccups

How to get rid of the hiccups

Learn a way to get rid of hiccups, it works everytime.

Things You'll Need:

something to drink



First get something to drink and put a straw in it.


Hold both of your earlobe closed with your fingers.


Drink through the straw about 5 swallows while holding your earlobes closed.

Tips & Warnings

This is sure to work everytime you have the hiccups.

How to get rid of skin tags

How to get rid of skin tags

Skin tags are a like a mole that appear overnight in the last place you want one like your neck where everyone can see it. Apparently they come with age -oh gee terrific! Two of them popped up on my neck overnight! People commented "Oh what's that?"
So I tried putting a spot of Apple Cider Vinegar on them whenever I thought about it preferably at night and whenever I was home 3-4 times a day. In 2 weeks they turned black, crumbled and fell off! That's it!

The Dr. had said she could tie them off with a thread which would make them bleed and that it would hurt! but they would eventually fall off!

The Apple Cider Vinegar didn't hurt well stung a little for a moment that was all.

Why Apple Cider Vinegar I don't know it was just an idea that crossed my mind.One of them was on the front of my neck and it was like embedded in and really hard and the other was sort of like a floppy looking wart on the side of my neck but the Vinegar worked on both.

Things You'll Need:

Apple Cider Vinegar

Cotton balls


Pour some Apple Cider Vinegar onto a cotton ball. Do this in the sink so you don't get the Vinegar on anything else.


Dab it on the skin tag and hold it in place for a moment.


Wash your hands thoroughly afterwards. Do not use on a skin tag around the eye area.

Tips & Warnings

Don't put the Apple Cider Vinegar on a skin tag anywhere near your eye.

If you have one there see the Dr.

How to Use a Chinese Conceiving Calendar

How to Use a Chinese Conceiving Calendar

The Chinese conceiving calendar can be used as a gender predictor by pregnant women who want to predict their baby's gender or those who are trying to conceive a certain gender. The calendar uses the age of the mother at conception and the month that conception occurred in order to predict the gender.


Determine how old you were at the time of conception or how old you are now, if you're trying to conceive. Look down the left hand side of the calendar, until you find the correct age.


Establish what month you conceived or what month you are planning to conceive. Look across the top of the chart until you find the correct month.


Find out where these two meet. If they meet on a pink square, you are having a girl. If they meet on a blue square you are having a boy. This chart is said to be over 90 percent accurate.

Tips & Warnings

The conception ages for this calendar are 18- to 45 years old. This calendar is not intended for those under 18 or older than 45, who have or are trying to conceive.

If you are trying for a certain gender, find your age and then determine which months would be best to try for a boy or which months would be best to try for a girl. Schedule your "baby making" for those times. You may have to plan very carefully, if you ovulate on the first or last few days of the month.

How to Understand Spiritual Truths

How to Understand Spiritual Truths

Ah, the great question of "What are spiritual truths?" Questions like this one take much thought and meditation to get an answer. Fortunately signposts and writings from throughout the centuries are available to guide you through the questioning process.


Begin living a more healthy life. This will help you be more sensitive to what is true. Cut back on TV and junk food, and drink lots of water from a natural spring that is rated well for purity.


Exercise. Be positive. Read good books. Keep good company. These are foundational steps that will prepare you to recognize the answer to the spiritual questions you are asking.


Pick up a few books about spiritual health. Look up things that interest or inspire you about constructive and positive ways of thinking, as being spiritual means being sensitive to the spirit or "inner being." It also means exhibiting reverence and a certain sense of sacredness.


Read and study to gain a broader view of all the different ideas about the great truths.Think about the Ten Commandments, the Noble Truths, and the Golden Rule. Look up the great spiritual tomes. Read stories and parables from the Dhammapada (Buddhism), the Bible (Christianity), and the Bhagavad Gita (Hinduism). Be mindful of who and what you really admire in people past and present. Is it the kindness of the Dalai Lama, the selflessness of Mother Teresa, or the wisdom of great leaders like Abraham Lincoln?


Know that there are as many answers to this question as there are people asking it. Be level headed and practical. Try on a few different "philosophies" to see how they fit or if you like them.


Be well-read, knowledgeable and sensitive. Listen to your conscience and develop a capacity to show kindness. These things will only help you understand the deep and meritorious truths of life. To see and recognize an attribute, whatever it may be, you need to have something of it inside of yourself. Your understanding may go through many levels and stages in your life, so the sooner you start, the greater the opportunity for deeper understanding.

How to Treat Warts With Banana Peel

How to Treat Warts With Banana Peel

Warts are stubborn, embarrassing and sometimes even painful. There are many commercial treatments available to treat warts, ranging from home cryotherapy kits to salicylic acid. These treatments are expensive and some make the wart appear even uglier and more conspicuous than the untreated wart. Forgo expensive traditional remedies and use the most gentle and inexpensive home remedy available, the banana peel.

Things You'll Need:

Unripe bananas

Adhesive bandages

Emery board

Nail trimmers


Use fresh banana peel pieces each day on the affected areas. Some people recommend freezing chunks of banana peel and thawing pieces as needed to avoid going through so many bananas, but fresh peel has a higher efficacy.


Cut a fresh square inch-sized piece of banana peel. Use bananas that are just turning from green to yellow, as the active healing compounds degrade with age. Wash the affected area with soap and warm water.


Prepare the wart by soaking it in warm water to soften the rough surface. You can also abrade the surface with an emery board to disrupt the surface of the wart.


Secure the inner side of the peel to the wart with an adhesive bandage. Leave the bandaged peel in place for at least eight hours overnight.


Wash the treated area with soap and warm water in the morning. Allow the wart to air dry, and then apply a clean bandage to the wart during the day. Change the bandage whenever it gets wet, as the virus that causes warts thrives in moist environments.


Remove the black and brown parts of the damaged wart daily with nail trimmers. You must expose the fresh, undamaged wart root to the peel to enhance the treatment. You should begin to see progress after 3 days of treatment. Most warts disappear after 14 days.

How to Treat Varicose Veins With Herbs

How to Treat Varicose Veins With Herbs

Varicose veins are not only ugly, but can be dangerous. They can lead to stroke, heart problems or blood clots. Many herbs have been found helpful in the treatment of varicose veins. Follow these steps to treat varicose veins with herbs.


Use Horse Chestnut, available in a tincture, and apply it externally. Experiments have supported its use and it has been cited as the most effective herbal treatment for varicose veins.


Try Butcher's Broom to strengthen veins and improve blood flow. It can be used internally or externally and also reduces foot swelling.


Eat Violet flowers or pansies. They contain rutin which strengthens capillary walls. They are safe when eaten up to 100 at a time and look great in salads. If you don't want to eat violets or pansies, try buckwheat pancakes which are also high in rutin.


Apply witch hazel externally in water or alcohol extracts. It has a tingly astringent effect and is also good to treat for bruises.


Check out calendula as a tea or in a sitz bath for anti-inflammatory effects. A tincture of calendula can also be used in a compress to apply externally.

Tips & Warnings

Many other useful herbs are useful to treat varicose veins-try out others to see what works best for you.

Horse Chestnut is poisonous in large doses.

Don't take any herbs without reading the manufacturer's directions and warnings.

Don't take any of the above herbs if you have harvested them yourself, except for the violets and pansies. The other herbs can be dangerous, and you cannot determine their potency if you harvest them yourself.

How to Take Kava Kava for Health

How to Take Kava Kava for Health

Kava kava (Piper methysticum) is a tall shrub that grows on western Pacific Islands and has been cultivated since ancient times. It is believed to have originated from Melanesia and the dried roots are used medicinally. The following steps will help you decide whether or not to take this herbal supplement.


Read up on the historical uses of kava kava. It has been used for thousands years as a ceremonial drink and for its sedative effect.


Look at the results from modern scientific testing of kava kava. Its sedative effect is well-established and it had long been considered relatively safe and non-addictive. However, concerns were raised about its toxicity because of some liver-related deaths of kava users in 2001.


Consider that kava kava has been banned in France, the Netherlands and Switzerland. The Center for Disease Control and the Food and Drug Administration both expressed reservations about its use in 2002.


Study the side effects of kava kava. If you appear to be suffering from liver damage, you should seek immediate medical attention. Kava should not be taken recreationally or if you are taking medication that affects the liver.


Take no more than the recommended dosage. Kava supplements should be standardized to 30 to 70 percent kavalactones. Capsules contain 150 to 300 mg and may be taken one to three times per day as needed for anxiety. Kava kava should not be taken continuously for more than three months.

How to Repair Jump Rings on Jewelry

How to Repair Jump Rings on Jewelry

Jump rings hold pendants to chains or attach the pieces of a clasp to the ends of a necklace or bracelet. When these jump rings fail, your precious


is in danger of becoming junk.

Things You'll Need:

Jump ring

Two pair of needle-nosed pliers


Identify the ring type. A jump ring is a simple circle or oval with a cut on one side. Jump rings are easy to replace. A soldered ring has no cut in the side (it has been soldered closed), and a split ring is shaped like a key-chain ring.


Purchase a replacement ring. Jump rings are commonly available in craft stores. Look in the beading and jewelry-making section. Choose a style that will coordinate with your jewelry.


Remove the old jump ring if it is still in place. Be sure not to damage the remaining chain, clasp or pendant.


Prepare your tools. Jump rings need to be held while you work with them, but metal tools can scratch the ring and the jewelry. The solution is covering the ends of your pliers with a layer of duct tape, which prevents scratching.


Open the new jump ring. Twist the cut ends of the ring away from each other to create a gap. Try not to open the ring by spreading it apart directly. If you spread the ring, you ruin the shape and weaken the material.


Attach the new jump ring. Hold the jewelry with one set of pliers and use the other set to twist the ring closed again.

Tips & Warnings

If your jewelry is attached with a soldered ring, you can snip the ring with wire cutters, creating a split jump ring.

For connecting jewelry pieces that need extra strength, consider using a split ring (a key-chain style ring). The extra overlapping wire gives the split ring more strength.

Never use a jump ring to connect string or beading wire, as the thin material will slide right through the cut in the jump ring.

How to Repair Jewelry Clasps

How to Repair Jewelry Clasps

If your favorite necklace or bracelet has a broken clasp, don't leave it languishing in your jewelry box. For most types of clasps, it is an easy matter to replace the broken clasp with a new one.

Things You'll Need:


Needle-nosed pliers

Replacement clasps


Check that the actual clasp is broken. Many times, a clasp will fall off because the jump ring (a simple metal ring with a small cut on one side) has broken or stretched open. Replace a broken jump ring or crimp a loose ring closed.


Identify the broken clasp type. There are several varieties. The most common are spring-rings and lobster clasps. A simple round ring that opens by pulling back on a small, spring-loaded knob is a spring-ring. Lobster clasps are spring-loaded, but open by pushing down on the clasp. Their shape resembles a lobster claw. If the clasp is connected to the necklace by a jump ring, it is easy to replace. If the clasp is soldered on, you will need professional help.


Buy a replacement clasp. Clasps are available online and at your local craft supply store. Make sure the style and color will match your jewelry. If you choose, you can upgrade the style of clasp that will be easier to use.


Disconnect the old clasp from the jewelry. Use a pair of pliers to hold one side of the jump ring connecting the old clasp. Then use a pair of needle nose pliers to open the jump ring. Open the jump ring by twisting it, not spreading it. Spreading will weaken the ring.


Attach the new clasp. Hook the new clasp through the jump ring and twist the jump ring closed. Make sure the jump ring is closed tightly, or the clasp may slip off through the gap. Repeat for the other end of the jewelry.

Tips & Warnings

Magnetic clasps, where two opposite magnets are attached to each end of the necklace, are easy to use, but not all provide excellent holding strength. Test the strength before attaching to your jewelry.

Avoid magnetic clasps if you have health issues such as a pacemaker.

How to Repair Clip-on Earrings

How to Repair Clip-on Earrings

Clip-on earrings used to be a relic of antique jewelry. But with the popularity of long, dangling


styles, some wearers prefer the safety of a clip. Whether the clip is broken, too loose, or too tight, you can follow these tips to adjust the comfort of your clip-on earrings.

Things You'll Need:


Needle-nosed pliers


Examine the back of earring. If the back is paddle-shaped with a hinge at the bottom, follow these instructions. For other styles of earring, see the additional tips section.


Separate the paddle from the hinge. Use needle-nose pliers to gently squeeze the outer prongs on the sides of the paddle just above the hinge. Squeeze just until the points that hold the paddle to the hinge are loose enough to come out.


Tighten a loose earring back. Hold the top of the paddle with a flat-faced pair of pliers. Use the needle-nosed pliers to gently bend the center prong of metal until it is even with the two outer prongs.


Loosen an earring back that pinches. Hold the top of the paddle with a flat-faced pair of pliers. Use the needle-nosed pliers to gently bend the center prong slightly further away from the two outer prongs. Making just a slight adjustment will have a big effect on the comfort of the




Repair connection points that are bent. Holding the paddle with the flat-faced pliers, use the needle-nosed pliers to gently bend the connection points back into their original positions. They should be even with the prongs and not twisted.


Replace an earring back that has a broken center prong or broken connection points. You can purchase replacement paddles, or salvage a paddle from an old, unwanted or mismatched pair. Make sure the color and style of the new back matches the old earring.


Reassemble the earring back. Place the points on the outer prongs back into their holders. If the holders have spread slightly, then squeeze the holders slightly with the pliers to make them tight again.

Tips & Warnings

Earrings that have screws can be adjusted by turning the screw until it fits comfortably.

Simple lever-back earrings and earrings that use friction hinges will need professional alteration.

A standard U-clip, which has a U-shaped piece of metal that runs from the front of the earring to a lever on the back, can be gently spread or narrowed to adjust the fit.

If the earrings are painted, coated or plated, bending the metal may cause the outer layer to crack or peel off. Use gentle force or contact a professional.

How to Repair a Watch Band

How to Repair a Watch Band

Repairing a watch band sounds like a task for a seasoned professional. But fixing the band on your watch isn't like taking apart your watch and performing surgery. It's actually a fairly simple process.

Things You'll Need:

Spring bar tool

Round-headed pin


New watch band


Measure your old band. Find out the length in inches, and, more importantly, the width in millimeters at the ends that connect to the watch body. Leather watch bands may be measured in inches at the connecting points.


Choose a new watch band that matches your measurements. You can choose between leather, plastic or metal. Metal bands come in standard links and the self-expanding type.


Remove your old watch band. Many replacement band kits include a spring bar tool, a tiny bar that looks like a screwdriver with a wrench for a head. The purpose of this tool is to slide into the space on either side of the bar that connects the band to the watch. This spring bar telescopes out at either end to fit into holes on the watch body. Use the tool to compress the bar until it is short enough to pop out of the holes that hold it in place.


Clean the connection points on the old watch body. The holes that hold the spring bar ends are called lug holes. Grime collects in these holes as you wear the watch. Clean out the lug holes with a round-headed pin.


Install the new watch band. Slide one side of the spring bar into a lug hole. Push the band snug against that lug hole. You may be able to slide the bar into the opposite lug hole. If not, use the spring bar tool to retract the bar on the opposite side. Then slide the bar into place. Repeat for the other side of the watch.


Adjust the length of the band. A leather band may need more holes at one end or the other to fit comfortably. Professional watch repair companies use a staking tool with a concave point, making a clean cut with no ragged edges. A metal band may need links added or removed. Links that are held together with pins need a special pin-removing tool. Links held together with clips are usually separated with clip-removing pliers. Both these tasks are most easily accomplished with help from your local


or watch repair store.

Tips & Warnings

Make careful measurements. A watch band that is not a good fit will not last long. You may be able to install a band that is too wide for the watch, but the stress on the spring bar will cause it to warp or break. A band that is too narrow will not offer a good fit, and will probably loosen or fall out.

How to Repair a Brooch

How to Repair a Brooch

Brooches are fine pieces of jewelry that are susceptible to damage or breakage. Typical repairs for brooches include broken and bent pins and damaged hinges. These are fairly easy repairs if you are good with your hands. Follow the tips below for successfully repairing a brooch.

Things You'll Need:





Straighten the pin with a pair of pliers, or lay the pin on a flat surface and lightly tap it with a hammer. Make careful not to dent or damage the pin if you use a hammer.


Lightly tap the rivet at its joint to ensure a tight fit, and then burnish the tip to restore the pin's shape. Tap this ever-so-gently, as the rivet is highly sensitive to heavy taps.


Remove the pin from the joint if the joint has become loose. Place the pin aside, but don't lose it--it's a tiny little piece.


Solder a new safety or ball catch. Try not to use too much solder as the excess solder may overflow and compromise the safety catch. Be careful with the soldering iron. It doesn't take much solder to solder a brooch joint, because of its small size.


If the pin cannot stand the heat of the soldering gun, find a matching piece of sheet metal and integrate it into the back piece. Then solder the pin joint and catch onto the new piece. Wipe off any excess solder. Let it heal and set for a few minutes.

Tips & Warnings

If using a hammer, be cautious and tap lightly as a hard enough stoke could warp the metal or even completely break it off, making it much harder to repair.

How to Rent the Latest Handbags

How to Rent the Latest Handbags

For many women, designer handbags are out of financial reach. However, that doesn't have to stop you from sporting one at your next special event or even on a daily basis. Designer handbag rental allows you to choose the perfect bag and return for another at your leisure.


Join an online rental club like Bag Borrow or Steal and select the membership that best suits you. The longer you commit to a membership, the less it costs per month.


Talk to specialty boutiques to see if they'd be willing to make arrangements to rent you a bag for a specific occasion. If you approach them with the idea that they'd receive a rental fee and free promotion at your next event, you may be able to strike a deal.


Contact fashion photographers or modeling agencies in your area to find out where they get their accessories. Most of the fashions used in fashion shoots are rented or borrowed. By discovering their source, you may be able to tap into it.


Read the fine print of any deal. Many luxury accessory rentals come with stringent guidelines. The savings you achieve by renting a designer handbag rather than buying it evaporates quickly if you have to pay for the bag anyway.